Universitą degli studi di Pavia
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The primary target of the PhD program in Experimental Medicine at the University of Pavia is to prepare young researchers for a scientific career in the fields of experimental and translational medicine. The program offers to distinguished candidates a comprehensive formative path through formal lessons held by experts and through practical research activities. The students are expected to personally drive research protocols under the supervision of a tutor, with a high degree of autonomy. The PhD program integrates an array of prospectively professional skills form biology to advanced clinical methodology. Experimental practice is offered as well, with a special drive to the concept of interdisciplinarity. The program is branched into two pathways:
1-Internal Medicine e Medical Therapy
2-Experimental Surgery and Microsurgery
According to the Italian official definition, such branches are defined as curricula. The curricula are a synthesis of the research background of the PhD. Such an organization has the significant advantage to offer a broad preparation, which can be personalized to fulfil the needs and perspectives of students. However, the interdisciplinary structure still retains a distinctive flavour of coherence, granted also by wide spectrum of dedicated structures linked to the University of Pavia and integrated in the Pavia healthcare system.